Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fear is only in your mind....Fear is not real

That statement hit me hard like a rock at my DARA meeting Saturday. We chanted "I'm a great writer, I fear nothing." I  cried when I chanted this. I realized I have been procrastinating with my newest project 2012 : Love unexpected. I've also stalled out on  Love and Honor, by not sending it out in the world.  I am scared. Scared of being a disapointment scared of being a failure. But most of all I'm scared of people seeing the real me.  When I write I'm showing the world my heart and soul. If I fail does this mean that I fail myself?

NO it does not! You only fail if you do not try. That was my epiphany over this weekend. The only thing holding me back is myself. Fear is not real!

Do not let fear take control of your life.


  1. Exactly! I feared too, when I first started writing...I feared that everyone would laugh at me, not understanding what it takes to write. I, too, put my heart and soul (a little bit of me) in each book...

    But, when I let one person read my first book, and then another and another, the fear seemed less. Now I have five books written, and two of them are out on Amazon. My last book I put out was a Contemporary Romance; my first one. I'll be releasing my next book soon. (Just waiting on a cover.)

    So, get your books out there for the world to enjoy. I figure, if I sell just one, then I've done ok.

  2. Beth

    I've let a handful people read my book and have gotten nothing but good reviews. Thank you for the advise! Congrats on your book deals. I'm going to check them out on google now! ;)

  3. You will do great! Keep us posted. I want to be the first in line for your book!
